Happy Birthday, Noosphere!

Published on 04/11/2018

Noosphere is two years old now! First pages went online on April 11, 2016; on April 11, 2017 I finished Book 1, and now we're starting a third year of our journey!


In the first year I managed to create the whole Book 1: 92 fully colored and detailed pages (plus cover). Year two was way more tough: 36 pages of Book 2 so far. To be fair, I started to draw Noosphere in the end of February 2016, and I took a month and a half break before Book 2, so it's 13.5 month against 10.5 but still. And with my new full-time day job atop of freelance I'm not sure how things gonna go for year 3. But rest assured, there will be progress, even if slow and unstable, and sooner or later we'll see how it all ends!

I learned a lot this year, I see my style progressing in right direction (right for me, at least), and I can't wait to get to the meat of this story. It's going to get darker and darker, brace yourselves. Since first ideas started to form into Noosphere's story, it progressed along with my depression, and, surprisingly, once I finally started to draw it I also started to heal. Now with immeasurable help of my friends, first of all my best bro Chief, I'm feeling better than ever before, I'm finally taking antidepressants and I hope I will be okay now.

Of course, I can't express how thankful I am to all my readers, for your kind comments and your donations, thank you for going on this journey with me and wish me luck for year three!

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Ann Arde © 2012–2025